amy rigby

The Ledge #570: Holiday Playlist

“Shambolic” maybe an overused word when it comes to my favorite band, The Replacements, but it’s an apt term for tonight’s show. Or at least the first ten minutes. Yes, it’s a mini-disaster. After airing this week’s selection for the “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks” series by The Vibrators, I talked about the fact that you can now purchase the version I world premiered last week by Jeremy Porter at his bandcamp. (  In fact, please go purchase it now, as all proceeds go to the Hater Kitty Army. But after introducing a re-airing the tune, my broadcast program decided to completely rearrange my playlist and a completely different tune aired for a few seconds. I quickly fixed the issue, though, and everything was fine after that. Tonight’s show is a collecton of tunes that I’ve been listening to in my spare time. There’s a set devoted to my favorite rock and roll couple, Amy Rigby and Wreckless Eric, inspired by “Do You Remember This”, a clever little tale of their relationship that may or may not be true. There’s a set that sort of centers around Johnny Thunders, beginning with a couple of Kinks songs before heading into a […]

The Ledge #463: Songs About The Ramones

The Ledge #463: Songs About The Ramones

As I state at the beginning of the show, the initial idea for this theme came from the plethora of recent songs that mention The Ramones in the title, both individually and as a group. Add to that a few faves from the past, along with some great sugges…

Live Ledge #244: Wreckless Eric

Live Ledge #244: Wreckless Eric

An overview of Wreckless Eric’s career just hours before his Sioux Falls appearance. Show also includes Scott’s phone interview with Eric.

Rural Ledge-ucation #89: Bitter Tears

Rural Ledge-ucation #89: Bitter Tears

A companion piece to Friday’s “lonely” episode, this morning is nothing but “bitter” tunes.

Live Ledge #97: Tributes

Inspired by a Lydia Loveless song called “Steve Earle”, tonight’s show is nothing but songs about other artists.

Rural Ledge-ucation #60: Marriage Stinks!

A followup to last week’s anti-wedding show, today we concentrate on songs that describe the perils of wedded “bliss”.