The Ledge 500th Episode Celebration!
Almost 12 years to the day after the very first attempt at a podcast, this week markes the 500th episode! To celebrate, I let the listeners take over! The call was made on all social media platforms to suggest bands or songs that were discovered via this show, and those results are reflected in this week’s playlist. Many listeners simply submitted the songs of their choice. Others accompanied their picks with extremly complimentary emails. But a handful actually sent in audio tributes to the show! No matter how these messages were sent, they warmed the heart of this host. I’m blown away by the kind words, and I was especially happy to get some audio from Max, the voice you hear at the beginning and end of each and every show. Here’s a couple of links that were mentioned on the show: To help Max and his high school band travel to New York City, please contribute to his GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/maxwell-to-nyc To read Will Neville’s concert reviews: https://undilutableslangtruth.wordpress.com/ For the latest info on Gorman Bechard’s films: http://whatwerewethinkingfilms.com/ For setlists and other Ledge information: http://scotthudson.blogspot.com I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. […]