Little Richard

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #446

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #446

May 13th, 2020. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #446……Praised Little Richard…RIP sir…then spun some new stuff from The Speedways, The Service Industry, How Tragic, A Good Hiding, Unreleased Beavers, The False Positives, The Hound Of Love, The Dirty Truckers, Justine’s Black Threads, Stop Calling Me Frank (Rum Bar Records tri-fecta), Thug Riot, Born Shit Stirrers, and Negative … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #446

Live Ledge #91: Gorman Bechard Interview

Director Gorman Bechard returns to Live Ledge to discuss the DVD releases of Color Me Obsessed and What Did You Expect?, and to also talk about his next project, A Dog Named Gucci.