Live Ledge #345: More 1978 UK
Continuing the series of shows looking at the great music of 1978, tonight’s episode focuses on more UK tracks from the year.

Live Ledge #341: East Coast U.S. & Canada 1978
Continuing the series of shows focused on the magical year of 1978, this episode share classic punk tracks from New York, Boston, Washington, DC, and Canada.

Live Ledge #336: West Coast & Midwest 1978
The third episode of a continuing series devoted to the great tunes of 1978. This time it’s all about the West Coast and Midwest U.S.A.!
LIve Ledge #327: More Songs From 1978
The second of many shows dedicated to that magical year of 1978.
Live Ledge #321: 1978
A momentous year in music for host Scott Hudson, as it was for music freaks everywhere.