Metal Assault Records

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #510
By tommyunitlive on September 17, 2021
September 15th, 2021. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #510. This week….New tunes from The Cutthroat Brothers and Mike Watt, VANDALIZER, Turbocoopers, The Gasölines, Amyl and The Sniffers, The Hi-End, The Right Here, Freddie Dilevi, Hard-Ons, LIVE Criminal Kids, and more!! Hound Gawd Records, Metal Assault Records, Devils Beat Records, Rum Bar Records, and Cheersquad Records & Tapes! … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #510 →
Posted in Amyl and the Sniffers, Devils Beat Records, electric frankenstein, garage, Hound Gawd! Records, Metal Assault Records, new releases, New York City, playlists, podcasts, punk rock, Real Punk Radio, rock and roll, Rum Bar Records, Spaghetty Town Records, Tommy Unit LIVE, Turbojugend