By on May 22, 2015
Since we’re in the fifth month of the year, why not a show dedicated to nothing but track five of some fantastic albums?
Posted in archers of loaf, bottle rockets, cheap trick, clash, exploding hearts, fall, hoodoo gurus, hot snakes, husker du, indie, jam, jd mcpherson, king tuff, lydia loveless, music, neighborhoods, nervebreakers, pixies, Podcast, radio birdman, ramons, realpunkradio, replacements, rocket from the crypt, Scott Hudson, sex pistols, sleater-kinney, social distortion, sonics, soul asylum, stooges, suburbs, superchunk, supesuckers, talk, twin peaks, velvet underground, weed
By on February 17, 2012
Shocking more than a few people, Hudson cranks up the amps tonight for lots of pure RAWK!
Posted in ac/dc, aerosmith, cult, garage, husker du, indie, jesus and mary chain, kiss, metal, motorhead, music, pixies, Podcast, punk, realpunkradio, replacements, Scott Hudson, soul asylum, stooges, supesuckers, talk