the girls

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #505

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #505

August 11th, 2021. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #505. This week we spun new(er) tunes from The Chris Rolling Squad, The Girls, The Bambies, Lorne Behrman, Scumbag Millionaire, Upploppet, Indonesian Junk, and Naked Raygun!! Plus scoped out some killer Radio Birdman covers from The Candy Snatchers, Gluecifer, The Nomads, and The Hellacopters!! Spaghetty Town Records, Wanda Records, … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #505

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #463

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #463

September 16th 2020. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #463……RPR Band Submissions, New Releases, Classics and more!! Turn it up! Tommy Unit LIVE!! 10:00pm ET/7:00pm PT on REAL PUNK RADIO – Radio Done Right! Subscribe to podcast HERE PLAYLIST The Ramones – I Don’t Want To Grow Up Lucy Luvs Fur – Welcome To My Head WONK … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #463

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #456

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #456

July 22nd, 2020. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #456……TONIGHT we played new tunes from Torpedohead, The Dirty Denims, The Schizophonics, The Uppers, Wyldlife, and The Fill Ins!! Some classics from Gang of Four, The Jam, and 999! And more! Turn it up! Tommy Unit LIVE!! 10:00pm ET/7:00pm PT on REAL PUNK RADIO – Radio Done Right! … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #456

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #454

Tommy Unit LIVE!! #454

July 8th, 2020. Tommy Unit LIVE!! #454……Premiered a new track TONIGHT by Killer Hearts courtesy Spaghetty Town Records! Also spun new tunes from Tommy and the Commies, Cheap Fur, The Dirty Denims, The Venomous Pinks, The MSGS, The Owen Guns, Noi!se, The Yum Yums, and Greg Hoy & the Boys! Plus a post 4th of … Continue reading Tommy Unit LIVE!! #454

Live Ledge #202: Columbus

Live Ledge #202: Columbus

Hudson recounts his week in Columbus, Ohio, with Lydia Loveless and her band.

Live Ledge #180: Best of 2014

Live Ledge #180: Best of 2014

A countdown of the 40 best albums of 2014!