By on October 24, 2014
It’s the fourth annual Live Ledge Halloween Extravaganza!
Posted in affected, baby ghosts, bad vision, billy taylor, creeping ivies, dead bundy, derellas, dictators, fall-outs, famous monsters, gaslight anthem, ghouls, groovie ghoulies, Halloween, hares, heil hipster, jackine morningstar, jesus sons, live ledge, los stratijackets, memphis morticians, music, nashville pussy, nervebreakers, nimrods, OFF!, Podcast, pointed sticks, ramones, realpunkradio, rev horton heat, round robin, Scott Hudson, screaming lord sutch, scruffy the cat, smugglers, star chiefs, subculture, subhumans, talk, vibrators, wooden shjips
By on August 15, 2014
Tonight’s special interview was with Supersuckers leader Eddie Spaghetti, who will appear in Sioux Falls next Friday night (8/22) at Big’s.
Posted in archers of loaf, bottle rockets, eddie spaghetti, fall-outs, figgs, guided by voices, hole, jawbox, jawbreaker, jello biafra, jesus and mary chain, jon spencer, live ledge, liz phair, meat puppets, mojo nixon, music, nick cave, pavement, pj harvey, Podcast, realpunkradio, rev horton heat, Scott Hudson, sebadoh, small 23, superchunk, supersuckers, talk, todd snider, unwound, velvet crush, wrens