By on October 24, 2014
It’s the fourth annual Live Ledge Halloween Extravaganza!
Posted in affected, baby ghosts, bad vision, billy taylor, creeping ivies, dead bundy, derellas, dictators, fall-outs, famous monsters, gaslight anthem, ghouls, groovie ghoulies, Halloween, hares, heil hipster, jackine morningstar, jesus sons, live ledge, los stratijackets, memphis morticians, music, nashville pussy, nervebreakers, nimrods, OFF!, Podcast, pointed sticks, ramones, realpunkradio, rev horton heat, round robin, Scott Hudson, screaming lord sutch, scruffy the cat, smugglers, star chiefs, subculture, subhumans, talk, vibrators, wooden shjips
By on August 29, 2014
It’s not quite September, but that’s not stopping Scott from previewing tons of new releases.
Posted in adolescents, artwoods, baby ghosts, benjamin booker, biters, cory branan, deke dickerson, derellas, dinos boys, dwarves, eureka california, frankie teardrop, god downie, lucinda williams, music, mutants, orwells, pink tiles, Podcast, realpunkradio, reigning sound, robyn hitchcock, ryan adams, sadies, Scott Hudson, sonny vincent, star chiefs, street dogs, sugar stems, talk, twin peaks, ty segall, wax witches
By on August 29, 2014
It’s not quite September, but that’s not stopping Scott from previewing tons of new releases.
Posted in adolescents, artwoods, baby ghosts, benjamin booker, biters, cory branan, deke dickerson, derellas, dinos boys, dwarves, eureka california, frankie teardrop, god downie, lucinda williams, music, mutants, orwells, pink tiles, Podcast, realpunkradio, reigning sound, robyn hitchcock, ryan adams, sadies, Scott Hudson, sonny vincent, star chiefs, street dogs, sugar stems, talk, twin peaks, ty segall, wax witches