By on September 6, 2013
There’s quite a few new releases of note, and Hudson samples them all!
Posted in avengers, babyshambles, bad sports, bags, black joe lewis, connection, dirtbombs, fat white family, hentchmen, julie ruin, king khan, music, mystic eyes, new releases, paley brothers, pixies, Podcast, realpunkradio, replacements, savages, Scott Hudson, sharks, suburbs, superchunk, terry malts, tommy keene, two car garage, ty segall, zeros
By on September 21, 2012
Ash from The Big Brother Gossip Show joins Scott tonight to discuss the merits of the new Green Day album, Uno.
Posted in adicts, adolescents, al bundie', angry samoans, bags, black flag, corin tucker, fastbacks, garage, gits, Green Day, indie, mike watts, muffs, music, natural child, Podcast, polar bear club, punk, realpunkradio, Scott Hudson, soft pack, talk
By on May 11, 2012
The goal was simple – to make it through an entire show without whining. Did I succeed?
Posted in alice bag, angry dead pirates, avengers, bags, blisters, cheats, cribs, dodson's dogs, elvis costello, free kitten, garage, hussy, indie, japandroids, joey ramone, kead dennedys, mansfields, master plan, mind spiders, movements, muck and the mires, music, my bloody valentine, nads, perfect, pete and the pirates, pixies, Podcast, primitives, punk, realpunkradio, rocky top vapor, Scott Hudson, sonic avenues, soundtrack of our lives, talk, teenager, tommy stinson, ty segall, undertakers, vapids, way-outs, weirdos, white fence, young fresh fellows