By on March 10, 2013
We all hate it, so why not a show dedicated to daylight savings time?
Posted in boomtown rats, bottle rockets, byrds, cheap trick, elvis costello, gear daddies, jam, jayhawks, jesus & mary chain, music, paul westerberg, phones, Podcast, rank strangers, realpunkradio, replacements, Scott Hudson, stems, talk, tommy keene, uncle tupelo, vic chesnutt
By on May 16, 2012
Jed’s Dead leader Edward Romero joins the show to talk about not only his band but his work in the film industry.
Posted in 16 horsepower, Americana, amilia spicer, billy bragg, bucksworth, dafni, dan janisch, edward romero, gear daddies, indie, jed's dead, mojave 3, music, Podcast, realpunkradio, Scott Hudson, talk, uncle tupelo, whiskeytown