
The Ledge #644: Holiday Odds & Ends

Given that it’s Thanksgiving weekend, I thought it was high time to have a show consisiting of nothing but tracks from albums that I’ve been playing around the house. Yeah, not exactly a novel idea, but it’s a great soundtrack for a …

The Ledge #417: Live Albums, Vol. 1

The Ledge #417: Live Albums, Vol. 1

A few days ago I started a thread on my Facebook page asking for favorite live albums. The response I received was amazing, as close to 150 people responded with a wide range of suggestions. Obviously the question was raised in order to put together a Ledge episode, and the response was so overwhelming that tonight’s show is the first of two dedicated to the topic. This week’s broadcast consists of the choices I would have picked anyway but I still give credit to those who are so likeminded. It’s a collection of legendary classic recordings (Jerry Lee Lewis, Rolling Stones, Sam Cooke, etc.), recordings that were initially bootlegged before getting an official release (Iggy & The Stooges, Elvis Costello, The Beatles, The Replacements), and quite a few others that have had a place in my collection for decades. Part two, which will be broadcast in two weeks, will focus more on material that others have picked. Some of them are records I’ve forgotten about, others come from my youth, but quite a few are releases you probably would never expect to hear on The Ledge. And, of course, I have to thank everybody for their picks. It’s been a […]

Live Ledge #141: Odds And Sods

Live Ledge #141: Odds And Sods

There’s no real theme tonight. Just a bunch of killer songs and some babbling.

Live Ledge #137: Alphabet Rock

Live Ledge #137: Alphabet Rock

An alphabetical trip through some of Hudson’s favorite bands.

Live Ledge #109: George Jones

Live Ledge #109: George Jones

Besides commemorating the passing of legendary country icon George Jones, tonight’s Ledge celebrates various anniversaries and birthdays of the past week.