The Ledge #612: Once Again Some Odds And Ends
This is another of those shows inspired primarily by what I’ve been listening to around the house. But it’s not just records this time, as the inspiration is coming from all sorts of media forms. The first main set, for instance, was inspired by the “Great Plains” section of Steven H. Gardner’s excellent Another Tuneless Racket: Punk and New Wave In the Seventies, Volume 5, The American Beat West. In late 70s Kansas City, there was a shortlived but extremely influential label called Titan Records. Gardner profiles the label, the principal owners, and the artists whose records were released in their short lifespan. Also represented in tonight’s show is music from the legendary label, Good Vibrations. No, it’s not Beach Boys-related. Good Vibrations was a Belfast record store and label that existed in the late 70s, and is most known for discovering and releasing the first Undertones single, “Teenage Kicks”. I suggest that all music fans head right away to Freevee and watch the wonderful film, Good Vibrations. If you love the tunes of that era, you’ll enjoy this film as much as I did The rest of the show consists of records I’ve thrown on my turntable the last […]

The Ledge #498: Covers
I’ve mentioned a few times over the years that I have a folder that I toss cover tunes into for future shows of that sort. The recent release of not one but four fabulous albums of nothing but remakes made me realize it’s time to empy that folder. Those four records are the main focus of this covers show. Spygenius, The Grip Weeds, Die Toten Hosen, and the The Queers features revved up versions of the band’s favorite tracks from the past. Three of them highlight rockers from the 60s, while Die Toten Hosen continues to show their love to the initial punk rock revolution of the late 70s Besides those racuous tunes, this episode also includes The Jazz Butcher (RIP Pat Fish) doing The Modern Lovers, A Bunch of Jerks performing a Bowie classic, a group called Mom resurrecting an old Prince track, and many more. (Unfortunately, an equipment error causes an abrupt end to this week’s episode.) I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but […]

The Ledge #464: Ramones’ Album Tributes
After last week’s show featuring songs about The Ramones, it was pretty much a no-brainer to pair it with a show based around covers of the same band. But I’ve done that theme before, so how can I put a new spin on it. Well, the answer came with today’s release of K7s’ remake of the entire Mondo Bizarro album, along with last year’s Subterranean Jungle rerecording by Brad Marino. How about a whole show of album-length covers? If you think about it, that is the ultimate show of respect for a band and/or a record. Anybody can do an individual cover, but to remake an entire album is a huge demand for an artist. Even the best albums have a song or two that’s not up to the standard of the rest of the record, so giving those songs the same attention as the feature tracks is a major accomplishment. So with that all in mind, with the exception of covers by Tommy and the Rockets that bookend the show, this entire episode is “Side A” of these types of releases. Along with the already mentioned new records, the second half of the show dates back from a series […]

Live Ledge #201: Track Six
To celebrate the sixth month of the year, tonight’s show is nothing but the sixth tracks of fantastic albums.

Live Ledge #166: 1994 Again
There was so much music and so little time last week that the 1994 theme has been expanded to this week’s episode.

Live Ledge #162: Tommy Ramone
The death of Ramones drummer Tommy Ramone inspires this tribute to the legendary band and musician.