geoff palmer

The Ledge #611: Those Big Ten Inch Records

Ten inch records are the forgotten treasures of my library. They’re housed in a little side section of my entertainment center, and most are rarely touched. This is why a couple of weeks ago I decided to have a marathon listening session of thos…

The Ledge #600: Hudson’s Best of 2023

Choosing my favorite records of the year is always a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s great fun for a music nerd like me to revisit the hundreds of releases I’ve checked out the last twelve months. But it’s also frustrating trying to thin down those picks into a list that truly represents the past year. Many records that initially seemed a lock are suddenly eclipsed by new records that I simply can’t ignore. Other albums that I had prematurely set aside have revealed themselves to be chock full of fabulous tunes that I can’t imagine living without.  Overall, this is another great year for music. I’ll never understand the mindset of people, especially those around my age, that complain how there’s no great bands or records these days. Sure, the pop charts are primarily filled with garbage, and one does have to spend more time than ever finding new artists. But the search has always been a great part of the fun of being a collector, and my main reason I’ve now put together 600 episodes of this show is to share my findings with others. I’m always thrilled when I hear that someone has bought a record […]

The Ledge #600: Hudson’s Best of 2023

Choosing my favorite records of the year is always a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s great fun for a music nerd like me to revisit the hundreds of releases I’ve checked out the last twelve months. But it’s also frustrating trying to thin down those picks into a list that truly represents the past year. Many records that initially seemed a lock are suddenly eclipsed by new records that I simply can’t ignore. Other albums that I had prematurely set aside have revealed themselves to be chock full of fabulous tunes that I can’t imagine living without.  Overall, this is another great year for music. I’ll never understand the mindset of people, especially those around my age, that complain how there’s no great bands or records these days. Sure, the pop charts are primarily filled with garbage, and one does have to spend more time than ever finding new artists. But the search has always been a great part of the fun of being a collector, and my main reason I’ve now put together 600 episodes of this show is to share my findings with others. I’m always thrilled when I hear that someone has bought a record […]

The Ledge #592: New Releases (Pt. 1)

The Ledge #592: New Releases (Pt. 1)

Once again, there’s so much great music being released each and every week that this month’s new release show is a two-part extravaganza! Part one is admittedly heavy on the power pop – Uni Boys, The Speedways, The Len Price 3, and m…

The Ledge #588: New Releases (Pt. 1)

The Ledge #588: New Releases (Pt. 1)

Once again, the music gods have put out so much great music these last few weeks that this month’s new release show has to be split into two episodes! This week includes glorious returns from Lydia Loveless, The Exbats, Martin Zellar, Jim Jones All Stars, and many more. But we also have a wonderful, heartfelt tribute to the late Justine Covault. “Sister In Crime” by Jay Allen and The Archcriminals takes a look back at a fabulous artist and label owner who tragically passed away earlier this summer. “This song is dedicated to the memory and written for one of my dearest and closest friends of the last 40 years, Justine Covault”, Allen said in a statement. “She was an amazing woman, who meant a lot to so many people and we lost her way too soon. For me she was more than a friend, she was my most ardent supporter, not just in music, but in life, bandmate, roommate, and for the last 7 plus years my co-host along with Tom Baker in our monthly residency, The Mess-Around. Her impact on our little Rock ‘n’ Roll village here in Boston is immeasurable. Not just as an artist with her […]

The Ledge #544: Power Pop, Pt. 2 (The Present)

The Ledge #544: Power Pop, Pt. 2 (The Present)

Last week’s show featured classic power pop tracks from the past. This week, we take a look a the current state of the genre with 40 tracks of fabulous guitar-driven pop music. In fact, the vast majority of these tracks are from 2022, with a handful of tunes from 2021 and 2020. The oldest song of the bunch dates back to 2014, and that tune from The Cry! was selected to be paired with the brand new single by lead singer Tommy Ray. It should be to nobody’s surprise that a good portion of the show compiles highlights from Big Stir Records as they are the without a doubt the gold standard of new music of this type. Author S. W. Lauden’s influence also extends beyond the books he compiled with co-author Paul Myers. Not only does he appear on a couple of the Big Stir tunes broadcast in this episode, his suggestions resulted in quite possibly the most exciting set of the show. I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not […]

The Ledge #530: New Releases (Pt. 1)

The Ledge #530: New Releases (Pt. 1)

Once again, the wealth of new material being released each and every month “forces” me to expand my new release episode into a two part series. Tonight’s episode focuses primarily on “friends” of the show. Bands that have so nicely regularly sent their new projects to The Ledge. Great labels such as Rum Bar Records, Dirtnap Records, and Stardumb Records. Fabulous Minneapolis artists such as The Right Here, Night Jobs, and UltraBomb. The latest covers project by Geoff Palmer. Plus some of the other great new tunes by longtime faves Ty Segall, Osees, and The Sadies, mixed with some new band discoveries (Gentleman Rogues, The Sparklers). One note, however. At the very end of the show I introduce a track by Dust Star. Unfortunately, my broadcast machine decided to air The Rubs. Still, a quality selection but I’ll have to save Dust Star for next week. I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but fund their next set of wonderful songs. And if you buy these records […]

The Ledge #486: Odds and Ends

The Ledge #486: Odds and Ends

The “odds and ends” format seems to have worked the last few times I’ve done it, so why not do another show of this type? For those new to The Ledge, the show consists of material I’ve been listening to in my home over the last few days. Some selections are faves from a few years ago that I haen’t pulled out in a while (Sarah Shook, Lydia Loveless). Others are recent purchases that don’t quite fit the new release shows (live Bob Mould, Minus 5, Young Fresh Fellows). Add to that my recent fascination over everything involving Ncio, thanks to the new book, You Are Beautiful and You Are Alone by Jennifer Otter Bickerdike, and you get a handful of tracks featuring her beautiful, haunted vocals. Of course, news of a new box set including previously unreleased tracks by The Replacements takes priority over everything. This October, a 40th anniversary reissue of their first album, Sorry Ma Forgot to Take Out the Trash will hit the stores, and features 100 tracks, 67 of them previously unreleased. Expect to hear a lot from this in the next few months! I would love it if every listener bought at least one […]

The Ledge #480: What Would Paul Westerberg Do? (New Releases)

The Ledge #480: What Would Paul Westerberg Do? (New Releases)

It’s a question I ask myself multiple times a day. What would Mr. Westerberg do?  The answers guide my day to day life, which explains quite a bit about the status of Mr. Hudson these days. But Geoff Palmer understands, and his great track that gives thsi episode its title is just one of the many incredible songs on his upcoming record, Charts and Graphs. (BTW, somebody please count the Westy song references on this track. I just may have a prize for the person who comes closest.) As always, this isn’t the only great record coming out soon on Rum Bar Records, and the last 20 minutes consist of nothing but great tracks from that label. There are also sets devoted to wonderful new music from Red On Red Records and Big Stir Records. These are all great records that really would appreciate some support from Ledge listeners. Go check them out. And that’s not all. I mentioned last month the mystery of a band called The Revenants. They have released over 30 records so far this year, and they’re all free! Please, if somebody out there has any info on this prolific act give me the deets! There’s also the return of the […]

The Ledge #467: Rum Bar Records

The Ledge #467: Rum Bar Records

Loyalty is an important word in my life. I try to be as loyal as possible to not only friends and family, but also the bands that I love. I’m even loyal to certain record labels. In the 80’s it was Twin/Tone and SST. Merge and a few others fit that category in the 90’s, and I’ve got a handful of current labels these days whose artists I will always check out. One of those is Rum Bar Records. No label has been more loyal to what I do with The Ledge than Rum Bar Records. Head honcho “Malibu” Lou Mansdorf has not only kept me in the loop with his constantly growing stable of releases, but he also routinely tosses a care package of physical releases to my mailbox. It’s because of people like Lou that this show has continued to prosper for over a decade. But it also turns out that loyalty is an important word to Mansdorf, as proven by the testimonials from his artists that pop up throughout this marathon all-Rum Bar broadcast. Most have been his friends for decades, but even recent signing have nothing but glowing words for him. Tonight’s show features tracks from the entire […]

The Ledge #461: New Releases (Pt. 1)

The Ledge #461: New Releases (Pt. 1)

Few things make a music critic/internet DJ happier than a package of new music, and I’m blessed to have the support of so many bands and labels. Whenever I receive an email that includes a link to a single or album, or find a packet in my mailbox, I immediately put it in the front of my pile of music to check out. As I was putting together this month’s new release episode, I suddenly noticed just how many great records I’ve received in the past few weeks. So why not do an entire show bassed on artist/label submissions? That’s what we have here this week. Some are from individual artists (Dan Israel, Jeremy Porter, Indonesian Junk, New Rocket Union, etc.) that want me to check out their new tunes. Others are because I’ve found myself on a label’s mailing list. I definitely need to thank Big Stir Records, Red on Red Records, and Rum Bar Records, who really knocked it out of the park with not one but two free samplers of current and upcoming new releases! After listening, please go purchase those tracks you enjoy! These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every […]

The Ledge #458: The Ledge Awards

The Ledge #458: The Ledge Awards

A few weeks ago, I put together a countdown show of my 40 favorite albums of 2020. Now for this annual Ledge Awards I go through various other categories for the past year – Best Reissue, Best Live Album, Best Compilaton, Best Covers Album, Best …

Live Ledge #386: 2nd Quarter Report

Live Ledge #386: 2nd Quarter Report

As I’ve stated almost every week this week, this has been a fabulous year for new music. Tonight’s show is proof of that fact. It’s the last show of June, which means we’ve hit the halfway mark of the year. Tonight’s show is the “2nd Quarter Report”; a presentation of some of the great releases from April, May, and June.

Live Ledge #380: Tommy & Evan

Live Ledge #380: Tommy & Evan

Host Scott Hudson chats about his weekend at the Tommy Stinson/Lemonheads show, along with lots of great garage rock.

Live Ledge #379: Garage Pop Power Rock

Live Ledge #379: Garage Pop Power Rock

A great set of power pop and garage rock, including a lengthy set of new Rumbar Records releases.

Live Ledge #352: Covers

Live Ledge #352: Covers

Emptying the folder, so to speak, of cover tunes collected over the last few months.

Live Ledge #347: New Releases

Live Ledge #347: New Releases

The first Friday of every month is devoted to nothing but new releases, and this month is no different!