
The Ledge #643: Covers

The special folder on my hard drive was full, so it was once again time to have a show devoted to cover songs. This time around there are fantastic remakes of songs by the likes of the Stones, Pink Floyd, Small Face, Pretty Things, The Cure, Joy Divis…

The Ledge #628: Covers

It’s that time again. The “Covers” folder on my laptop is full, so it’s time to turn those into a Ledge episode. But it’s not just new releases this time around. Oh sure, we’ve got new remakes by The Half-Cubes (Phil Seymour), Wyldlife (Tom Petty), The Loons (Pretty Things), and so much more. There are also sets devoted to new tribute records devoted to Jagger/Richards and Guided By Voices, along with a pair of tracks from a new covers album by The Raveonettes. Most importantly, I have another new verson of ‘Teenage Kicks”! This time it’s by the triumphant return of Lone Justice! I was also inspired by some old finds. A nice find in the used bin at the record store resulted in the Troggs cover by Buzzcocks. Watching a documentary on Tubi regarding the fabulous 90s power pop band Material Issue (Out of Time: The Material Issue Story) found me searching out a couple of fantastic rare remakes. Doing a deep dive on the super lengthy discography of South Dakota’s own Friends of Cesar Romero led to a discover of a Cheap Trick tribute spinoff called Chief Trick. All of these, and more, are represented on tonight’s show! […]

The Ledge #608: Covers

As I’ve said before, I have a folder on one of my laptops that I keep around just to acccumulate cover tunes for episodes like this one. Once that folder is full, it’s time to broadcast! This version of that theme includes sets devoted to …

The Ledge #593: New Releases (Pt. 2)

The second part of this month’s new release series is admittedly dominated by cover tunes. Great bands such as Superchunk, The Feelies, Cruzados, The Routes, Hayley and the Crushers and the Rick White Archive are featured remaking classics by The Cure, The Minutemen, Buzzcocks, and others.  But the main focus of the covers blasted on tonight’s show is the brand new tribute album to, of course, The Replacements. Let the Bad Times Roll, and it’s definitely worth they hype. “December 2022 I was drinking at the Fishtown Tavern and ‘Can’t Hardly Wait ‘ came on the jukebox, and at that moment I knew this tribute to the Mats needed to happen,” Arik Victor from Creep Records says in a press release. “The next day, we invited all the bands we love.” Of course, tonight’s show is more than cover tunes. We have the return of The Alarm, the second 2023 album by bar italia, and wonderful material from the Netherlends, Australia, Italy, and other countries around the world. As for this week’s edition of “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks”, I admittedly discovered a real treat on YouTube. Baby Shakes have routinely performed the tune as an encore, and this live version I […]

The Ledge #578: Covers

 Every few months, I like to put together an all-covers edition of the show. As I’ve stated before, I have a folder all set up to toss in whatever tracks I want to later air. This edition came a little bit sooner than usual due to a couple of fabulous tribute records. The first release I wanted to highlight is the brand new An International Tribute To The Muffs, which features 26 fabulous covers of Kim Shattuck tunes. Proceeds from this release goes to the Team Shattuck Foundation of Kim´s Sister, Kristen Shattuck. The other great tribute record is Drunk Dial Fakes, Vol. 2. This ingenious set features “real” bands covering songs that were written for fictional TV and film bands. How can you not love covers from The Rutles, CHiPs, and That Thing You Do? As for the “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks”, I’ve got a twofer for you this week. I recently discovered a couple of fabulous Undertones tribute records, and Teenage Hits – A Tribute To The Undertones features two wonderful remakes. And like always, I must again plead with y’all for more versions of “Teenage Kicks”. If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take […]

The Ledge #552: Covers

The Ledge #552: Covers

With my brain focused on “Teenage Kicks” covers these days, it seems natural for me to put together another show of nothing but covers of classics tunes from the past. And tonight’s show could not have been timed better, as today Kepi Ghoulie of the Groovie Ghoulies put our a fabulous covers record, Full Moon Forever. Plus I’ve uncovered a number of other great new remakes the last few days, including Juniper’s lofi redo of “James” by The Bangles, Devil Love’s lovely tribute to Big Star’s “Thirteen”, and a trip back to my childhood with Jenny Dee & The Deelingquent’s rousing “Fox On the Run”. But, of course, the main focus is on the “52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks” series, and tonight features the very first submission! It may be a bit fitting that said cover is by the one and only Malibu Lou at Rum Bar Records!!! Yes! He’s a huge fan, as you can tell by the accompanying email: “It’s one of my top 5 personal favorite songs ever. I covered it many years in many bands!! Here’s a demo version of Malibu Lou & The Attackers performing it circa 96 in NYC!!” I couldn’t be more thrilled, and […]

The Ledge #536: Covers

The Ledge #536: Covers

As I have stated quite often during these cover tune broadcasts, I have a special folder where I place remakes as I come across them. Once that folder is full, it’s time to do a show. This time around, that folder grew at a pretty rapid pace. Of course I’m going to air Ultrabomb’s version of “Sonic Reducer”. I don’t think anybody is surprised by the inclusion of “Borstal Breakdown” from that new live Replacements album. But many may be shocked by the inclusion of two tracks from the 1968 collaboration between Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood. Honestly, I had never heard these bonkers tunes until one day I hung out in my friend’s record store. Seriously, that version of “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” is something everybody should check out. But what made it essential that I do this theme this very week are two special records that arrived a few days ago. The first is All The Covers (And More) by The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs. Released on September 30 on Rum Bar Records, this 38 track compilation gathers together all of the remakes the band has recorded in their 25 year history. The other is the latest project by Geoff Palmer. Standing In […]

The Ledge #522: Covers

The Ledge #522: Covers

As I’ve stated before, I have a special folder where I toss in various great cover tunes as I come across them. It was pretty much perfect timing that my folder became “show-length” just in time for this holiday weekend. What better way to begin the summer with revved-up remakes of some of our favorite tunes? Plus, I’ll take any opportunity to give more airplay to my pal Dave Scarbrough, especially when the one remake on his brand new album, Happy Ever After, is a Paul Westerberg tune! You all should check this album out! Also included in this broadcast are tracks from Steve Earle’s new tribute to his friend and mentor, Jerry Jeff Walker, Eric Ambel and Greg Hoy’s remakes of Neil Young tunes, The William Loveday Intention’s teardown of Bob Dylan tunes, and a few of our friends (The Short Fuses, New Rocket Union) from Minneapolis! Oh, and we have the exclusive covers by the Hoodoo Gurus that are only found on the vinyl version of their new Chariot of the Gods album. Speaking of Minneapolis, Cindy Lawson’s fabulous new record on Rum Bar Records, New Tricks, includes a tune written by the recently-deceased Lori Wray. I’m not […]

The Ledge #515: 1977 Redux (Rerecorded)

The Ledge #515: 1977 Redux (Rerecorded)

I was so excited to upload last night’s episode of The Ledge, as I believed I had a pretty cool theme put together. Unfortunately, once the live broadcast on RealPunkRadio concluded, I discovered that my recording device had malfunctioned. Still determined to share the episode, I decided to rerecord on Saturday afternoon. The first ten minutes of the broadcast had survived, so I included that bit and then recut my intros before reconstructing the rest of the show with the song files. What you get here is the natural successor to my earlier shows devoted to the magnificent year of 1977. This time, however, you’ll hear covers of songs played on those shows. And what an eclectic group of artists. You even hear southern rock legends The Outlaws bravely take on an Elvis Costello song in 1977. Who knew that even existed?  I hope you enjoy this episode. A little warning, though. There may be some fluctuations in the levels, as some tracks are mastered louder than others. My broadcast program takes care of that during live shows, and I did attempt to manually boost a couple of really quiet tunes. I would love it if every listener bought at […]

The Ledge #498: Covers

The Ledge #498: Covers

I’ve mentioned a few times over the years that I have a folder that I toss cover tunes into for future shows of that sort. The recent release of not one but four fabulous albums of nothing but remakes made me realize it’s time to empy that folder. Those four records are the main focus of this covers show. Spygenius, The Grip Weeds, Die Toten Hosen, and the The Queers features revved up versions of the band’s favorite tracks from the past. Three of them highlight rockers from the 60s, while Die Toten Hosen continues to show their love to the initial punk rock revolution of the late 70s Besides those racuous tunes, this episode also includes The Jazz Butcher (RIP Pat Fish) doing The Modern Lovers, A Bunch of Jerks performing a Bowie classic, a group called Mom resurrecting an old Prince track, and many more. (Unfortunately, an equipment error causes an abrupt end to this week’s episode.) I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of these shows. These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but […]

The Ledge #491: New Releases (Pt. 1)

The Ledge #491: New Releases (Pt. 1)

It’s almost a given that if Rum Bar Records puts out a sampler, that month’s Ledge “New Release” show will be a two parter, and this month is no exception. Thanks to “Rocktober II”, the massive 38 track collection of…

The Ledge #485: New Releases (Pt. 2)

The Ledge #485: New Releases (Pt. 2)

Part two of this month’s new release series carries on from the excellence of last week’s first show. There are great tribute records to John Prine and The Ramones, along with some other fabulous covers of the Flamin’ Groovies, T. Rex…

The Ledge #478: Covers

The Ledge #478: Covers

The decision to do an all-covers show was decided sometime on Wednesday when my good friends High On Stress announced that they would be releasing a Tommy Keene cover on Friday. This was shortly followed by emails containing new cover tracks by Kid Gulliver and The Dirty Denims. Always having a folder full of such tracks ready for air, it was an easy decision that this was the week to do such a show. I also had an intriguing idea to put a new spin on such a show. Searching through my archives, I discovered that I had enough Replacements covers to recreate side one of the “Pleased To Meet Me” album.  Although my broadcast program decided to suddenly play two tracks out of order, all of the songs from that group of tracks did make the air. There are also country-tinged coves of old alt-rock tracks by a fabulous British band called Independent Country (including a great ‘mats remake), Richard Thompson and Dead Moon tributes by Country Westerns, Brad Marino doing a lovely Ramones’ track, and many, many other similarly fantastic tunes. I would love it if every listener bought at least one record I played on either of […]

The Ledge #476: Happy Birthday Bobby D!

The Ledge #476: Happy Birthday Bobby D!

Putting together a Dylan tribute show for this week was clearly a no-brainer. After all, he turned 80 years old this past Monday! Of course The Ledge would celebrate! It actually wasn’t until the day of his birthday that I decided on this theme, though, and I have to give special thanks to Lydia Loveless. To help raise money for NIVA (National Independent Venue Association), Lydia and a dozen other artists were a part of Happy Birthday Uncle Bob! A Dylan Tribute. That release is just one of many recent releases that are the focus of the first half of the show. Daniel Romano, Billy Childish (as The William Loveday Intention), Lucinda Williams, and others have full-length albums of Dylan remakes, and the second half of the show consists of some old favorites such as Paul Westerberg, Jason & The Scorchers, Mike Ness, and many others. After listening, please go purchase those tracks you enjoy! These great artists deserve to be compensated for their hard work, and every purchase surely helps not only pay their bills but fund their next set of wonderful songs. And if you buy these records directly from the artist or label, please let them know you heard these […]

The Ledge #460: Covers

The Ledge #460: Covers

As I stated on tonight’s all-covers episode, I have a folder on my hard drive where I toss in any cool remakes that I accumulate. When that folder is filled then it’s time to do another show of that type.
Well, the folder is full, and was a…

The Ledge #447: Covers

The Ledge #447: Covers

On one of my laptops I have a folder where I toss in any cover versions that I think could possibly include in a Ledge episode. Once that folder has a sufficient number of songs I know it’s time to do a covers show.
This is that time. The folder …

The Ledge #432: Covers

The Ledge #432: Covers

Once a year or so, I like to put together a show of nothing but covers. Partly due to COVID-19 this year has already seen more of these sorts of tracks than ever before. Bands have put out full albums or EP’s of covers; labels have upped the ante…

Live Ledge #368: Covers

Live Ledge #368: Covers

Scott’s folder of new cover songs was full so it’s time for a show of nothing but reworked songs.

Rock N Roll Manifesto 431: Covers

Rock N Roll Manifesto 431: Covers

A brand new Torpedohead track and the rest are all cover songs.

Live Ledge #352: Covers

Live Ledge #352: Covers

Emptying the folder, so to speak, of cover tunes collected over the last few months.

Live Ledge #334: Covers

Live Ledge #334: Covers

Two hours of some great recently discovered covers of great tunes, including a few surprises!

Live Ledge #246: Covers

Live Ledge #246: Covers

Two hours of primarily brand new cover songs, along with a couple of tracks from Wreckless Eric’s performance at Total Drag Records.

Rock N Roll Manifesto 195: Covers

Rock N Roll Manifesto 195: Covers

A long overdue episode of all covers. Had some really great feedback on this show while it was live, so hopefully you all will dig it. It was a lot of fun to put together.

Rock N Roll Manifesto 157: Cover Your Ass 3

Rock N Roll Manifesto 157: Cover Your Ass 3

The Manifesto is back with another installment of Cover Your Ass, original songs backed with cover versions- some straight, some completely different. You may like the original better, or maybe the cover. Either way, I hope you dig the stuff … Continue reading

Live Ledge #113: Covers

Live Ledge #113: Covers

It’s been awhile since an all-covers show, so celebrate the holiday weekend with almost 2 1/2 hours of remade tunes!

Rural Ledge-ucation #54: Record Store Day

Hudson’s 3rd annual Record Store Day recap reviews the pile of music released on his favorite day of the year.

Rural Ledge-ucation #49: Happy Birthday Nick Lowe

Nick Lowe’s birthday is celebrated with some of his best tunes, covers, and production work.