thee american revolution
Live Ledge #56: Not-So-Pure Pop
By on March 10, 2012
Power pop dominates tonight’s show…at least the first half.
Posted in avengers, barreracudas, chris devotion, dictators, dmz, electric frankenstein, fu2, garage, guitar gangsters, hellacopters, high on stress, howler, indie, irish bastard, Kurt Baker, little killers, mansfields, men, muck and the mires, music, personal and the pizzas, plimsouls, Podcast, power pop, realpunkradio, reckless hearts, rippers, Scott Hudson, secret affair, sex pistols, shimmys, shrapnel, sid vicious, sleeper, suicide commandos, talk, thanes, thee american revolution, thee vicars, tough shits, transistors, vertebrats, violet, winona riders