
Live Ledge #213: Number Ten

Live Ledge #213: Number Ten

Continuing the series of shows devoted to track numbers, tonight’s show is nothing but the tenth tune off favorite old and new releases.

Live #172: Happy Birthday RPR

Live #172: Happy Birthday RPR

It’s Realpunkradio’s 5th birthday, and we celebrate with tracks from the site’s new free compilation, Killing the Record Industry Vol. 5!

Live Ledge #161: 4th of July

Live Ledge #161: 4th of July

A tribute to the holiday, with songs about the day and America, along with tributes to two famous concerts from this day.

Live Ledge #99: Lonely Boy

To “commemorate” a phony holiday, tonight’s show is an anti-Valentine’s Day show with nothing but “lonely” songs.

Live Ledge #94: Janitor Bob

Pat McIntyre and Martin Dill from Janitor Bob join Scott, followed by an hour of old Sioux Falls indie rock.

Rural Ledge-ucation #69: Life Story (Pt. 2)

The conclusion of the year-by-year musical analysis of host Scott Hudson’s life starts with 1995 and ends with a release that coincides with his birthday!

Live Ledge #56: Not-So-Pure Pop

Power pop dominates tonight’s show…at least the first half.