By on February 21, 2014
Tonight, the playlist falls into the hands of the listeners!
Posted in adverts, archers of loaf, bad brains, beat happening, black flag, camper van beethoven, devo, grinderman, hayden, howler, husker du, joe strummer, jonathan fire eater, kinks, lawrence arms, music, nick cave, old 97's, Podcast, problematics, realpunkradio, replacements, requests, Scott Hudson, shane macgowan, spits, stranglers, suburbs, superchunk, supersuckers, talk, thee headcoatees
By on February 15, 2013
To “commemorate” a phony holiday, tonight’s show is an anti-Valentine’s Day show with nothing but “lonely” songs.
Posted in argus leader, buzzcocks, cheap trick, f-units, garage, gentleman jesse, heartbreakers, husker du, indie, king khan & bbq show, lonesome kings, lurkers, me first and the gimme gimmes, music, naked ted, nomads, old 97's, Podcast, police, punk, quakes, realpunkradio, replacements, Scott Hudson, sex pistols, sham 69, social distortion, sorrows, spits, supersuckers, talk, thee headcoats, thin lizzy, ups & downs, Valentine's Day, violet, voodoo dolls, Wanda Jackson, whigs, willie nile, wylde mammoths, young fresh fellows