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The Ledge #508: 1977

The Ledge #508: 1977

“No Elvis, Beatles, or Rolling Stones!”

Sure, it was a pose. The Clash may have sung those lyrics, but they were actually true students in the history of rock and roll. But the British punk scene of 1977 was certainly a time when the wa…

Live Ledge #385: UK Punk Summer 1979

Live Ledge #385: UK Punk Summer 1979

A celebration of the punk the UK was listening to in the summer of 1979!

Live Ledge #134: New Finds

Live Ledge #134: New Finds

Another show featuring nothing but new releases and online discoveries!

Live Ledge #100: Falls Landing

Live Ledge #100: Falls Landing

To celebrate the 100th episode, Hudson took the show on the road to Falls Landing to play nothing but his favorite songs of all time.

Live Ledge #99: Lonely Boy

To “commemorate” a phony holiday, tonight’s show is an anti-Valentine’s Day show with nothing but “lonely” songs.

Live Ledge #68: More 1977

Last week’s ’77 theme went so well it just had to be repeated!