warm soda

Live Ledge #215: Questions

Live Ledge #215: Questions

Nothing but musical questions tonight!

Live Ledge #207: The Good Life

Live Ledge #207: The Good Life

Tim Kasher from The Good Life is tonight’s special guest.

Live Ledge #200: New Releases

Live Ledge #200: New Releases

Another month, another set of fantastic new tunes.

Live Ledge #176: Bloodshot Records

Live Ledge #176: Bloodshot Records

The 20 year history of Bloodshot Records is celebrated on tonight’s show.

Live Ledge #135: Best of 2013

Live Ledge #135: Best of 2013

Hudson counts down his favorite records of 2013!

Live Ledge #101: New Finds

Live Ledge #101: New Finds

It’s that time of the month again – almost nothing but new releases and blog finds, including one of the tracks from the upcoming new release by The Replacements!

Live Ledge #98: New Finds

It’s that time of the month again! More new releases and blog finds!
