
Live Ledge #164: Ian Astbury

Live Ledge #164: Ian Astbury

Ian Astbury of The Cult joins Live Ledge to promote his band’s  upcoming Sioux Falls performance.

Live Ledge #160: Shuffle

Live Ledge #160: Shuffle

Scott let iTunes do all the work tonight in selecting the playlist.

Live Ledge #114: 1983

A celebration of a year that was very important for host Scott Hudson – 1983!

Live Ledge #107: 1982 (Again)

Another examination of the great music that came out in 1982!

Live Ledge #83: Odds & Sods

No real theme for this week – just some random tracks and irritated babbling from Scott.

Live Ledge #75: Peel Sessions (Pt. 1)

Nothing but tunes from the late, great John Peel archive!