jeff the brotherhood

Live Ledge #205: New Releases

Live Ledge #205: New Releases

Another new month, another two hours of nothing but new music.

Live Ledge #193: New Releases

Live Ledge #193: New Releases

Another month, another show of nothing but brand new music!

Live Ledge #175: Narco States

Live Ledge #175: Narco States

Singer/guitarist Michael Meyer of Narco States is interviewed in this garage rock-based episode.

Live Ledge #140: Winter

Live Ledge #140: Winter

Host Scott Hudson “celebrates” what is starting to seem like the longest, coldest winter ever.

Live Ledge #92: Best of 2012

It’s an expanded episode of Live Ledge this week, as Hudson plays tracks from his “40 Best Albums of 2012″ list.

Live Ledge #78: New Finds

Tonight’s show features a ton of new and upcoming releases, along with quite a few rare finds.

Live Ledge #73: I’m Back!

After another short break due to remodeling, Hudson is back with almost all new releases!