babes in toyland

Live Ledge #219: Thank You Friends

Live Ledge #219: Thank You Friends

A post-Thanksgiving episode celebrating just a few of the artists I’m thankful to have in my life.

Live Ledge #211: By The Numbers, Part 2

Live Ledge #211: By The Numbers, Part 2

We continue the journey of a song from every year host Scott Hudson’s been alive, including two from 2015.

Live Ledge #194: Track 4

Live Ledge #194: Track 4

A simple premise – everything played tonight is the fourth track of the album they appeared on!

Live Ledge #182: 1995

Live Ledge #182: 1995

As the Beatles song goes, “it was 20 years ago” all of these songs were released.

Live Ledge #152: Fantasy Festival (Pt. 1)

Live Ledge #152: Fantasy Festival (Pt. 1)

In response to the horrors of Coachella, Hudson curates his own personal music festival.

Live Ledge #89: Black Friday Sucks!

Two hours of songs against the travesty of Black Friday, and the cretins who make it out to shop when they should still be sleeping.

Live Ledge #76: Peel Sessions (Pt. 2)

Continuing with the Peel Sessions theme, tonight’s show includes not only great Brit acts but American bands who contributed to the series.

Live Ledge #61: Silly Rock News

This was one strange week in rock news, and host Scott Hudson covered them all!